What is WrecOver?
WrecOver is a 2-in-1 Anti-hangover and daily vitamin capsule that helps in preventing hangover symptoms and protecting your brain and liver from harmful toxins.
How does WrecOver prevent hangover?
WrecOver has N-acetylcysteine (NAC) along with other vitamins, it is a dietary supplement that helps reduce the symptoms of hangover. Taking 3 WrecOver capsules before drinking will make your body produce more glutathione (through NAC) that breaks down toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism.
How do I use WrecOver?
We recommend taking 3 capsules with water before drinking alcohol (to prepare your liver for the incoming alcohol) and another 3 capsules with water after (to replenish your lost nutrients.) To help detoxify and support your liver for a healthy lifestyle, take 1-2 capsules daily.
Why should I drink 3 capsules?
Drinking too much alcohol can negatively affect your body in different ways, including liver damage, brain damage, and hangover symptoms. Because of this, we have filled WrecOver with the essential vitamins, natural antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids to support your body when you drink alcohol. These ingredients can only fit in 3 capsules.
Can I drink 6 capsules at once?
No, Alcohol will make your kidneys work harder and produce more urine, flushing down the toxins and the essential nutrients in your body, including B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium. We recommend taking 3 capsules before drinking alcohol so that you can have enough of these nutrients to lose from alcohol intake and another 3 capsules after, to replenish these lost nutrients in your body, so you can stay sharper and more energetic the next day.
Will WrecOver prevent intoxication?
No, WrecOver will not prevent intoxication and is not intended to treat or prevent the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. Please drink responsibly.
Can I take WrecOver while I’m drinking?
Yes, but we recommend you take it before and after drinking alcohol.
Is WrecOver safe?
Yes, Wrecover is similar to multivitamins that can be taken daily with no harmful side effects. It is manufactured in accordance with FDA Regulations and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and we make sure to test each ingredient that we receive from our suppliers.
What are the ingredients?
You may find its ingredients here
Are there any side-effects when taking WrecOver?
Yes, you will end up feeling better, sharper and more energetic every day regardless if you drink alcohol or not.
Can I take WrecOver when I’m pregnant?
It is never recommended to drink alcohol if you are pregnant. You must follow the recommendation of your trusted physician. We take every precaution when formulating and manufacturing our product but you need a doctor’s help on this case.
Can I take WrecOver with other medications?
It is best to consult with your doctor/ physician first for this matter.
How to Order?
Kindly go to our shop page and add WrecOver to your cart (choose whether you’re buying a sachet ‘WrecOver On-the-Go’, WrecOver Box or our Reseller Bundle.) Then proceed to checkout to confirm your order.
What are the payment options?
We accept Cash on Delivery payments and payments via BPI cash deposit and bank transfers.
How much is the shipping fee?
The shipping fee may differ based on your location or delivery address.
How long does it take for me to get my order?
Orders coming from Luzon usually take 1-4 days to arrive while it takes 5-7 days for orders from Visayas and Mindanao. :)
Are you open for resellers?
Yes, you may email us at wrecover@nutriplus.com.ph if you are interested :)
Do you have a physical store?
Currently, we don’t have a physical store for WrecOver but we have partner bars and restaurants in Pampanga, Metro Manila and Tarlac that sells our product. You may look here to see if WrecOver is being sold in your area.
Why was my order cancelled?
We cancel orders if the payment method and delivery method don’t match. If this happened to you, kindly re-order. For inquiries and concerns, please e-mail us at wrecover@nutriplus.com.ph.
N-Acetyl Cysteine
A powerful amino acid and antioxidant that helps you neutralize toxins and boost your glutathione levels.
Silymarin (Milk Thistle)
An active natural extract and a powerful antioxidant that protects your liver from harmful toxins.
A group of essential vitamins that promotes proper bodily functions and boosts metabolism so you can stay sharper, healthier, and more energetic.
Vitamin C
A vital antioxidant that aids you in reducing oxidative stress from alcohol and protects your brain and liver.
Zinc & Magnesium
Essential minerals that help you with energy production, anti-inflammation, boosting of the immune system, and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
An essential amino acid that helps support lipid metabolism in your liver. It also improves your mental clarity.
Ginkgo biloba
An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps protect your brain and improve your cognition.
Paris is the capital of France.